If you here
knocking or any other unusual noise in the front part of suspension, it is
likely that you’ve faced deterioration of ball joints. The main reason is that
construction of the car is not perfect. That is why there appears backlash
between joints. This can cause various problems:
- Knocking
of front suspension while driving off-road.
- Suspension is not able to provide driver with smooth and easy ride as it used
to be before.
- Moreover
when critical level of ball joint deterioration takes place, this can lead to
horrible consequences. When a car gest into a hole, this can result in joint
torn off from bearing.
If you want
to avoid above mentioned problems you need to take care of your Ford Ranger as
well as proceed with regular examinations.
If you here knocking of suspension, it means that you need to proceed
with immediate diagnostics. This will help to determine the reason of
malfunction and eliminate as soon as possible.